Gen AI Academy Overview

Our Gen AI Academy Programme is designed to provide your teams with the cutting-edge skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence. This extensive programme focuses on practical, hands-on learning, ensuring that your organisation gains real-world experience and a deep understanding of AI technologies and applications.

Learners Trained
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1000 +

Learners Trained


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25 +


Our Offerings


Gen AI is all set to become the most significant technological advancement since the internet. Business leaders and their L&D teams are essential in fostering foundational generative AI skills and high-impact capabilities to drive their organisations forward. Our Gen AI Academy is designed to boost innovation and productivity across global workforces. Tailored for executives and their teams, our curated catalogue offers a range of courses, concise learning modules, and hands-on practice, all delivered by leading experts in generative AI.



In the rapidly evolving business landscape shaped by Generative AI, executives play a crucial role in understanding the associated risks, opportunities, and ethical implications. To navigate these complexities, executives must gain insights directly from global experts.
This knowledge will empower them to comprehend the business and societal impacts of AI usage, identify customer value while managing potential risks, and define and execute comprehensive corporate Gen AI strategies and roadmaps. Furthermore, executives will be equipped to lead and inspire their organisations through the adoption and transformation driven by Gen AI.


Prepare enterprise teams with specialised Gen AI skills tailored to their specific functions. Equip functional teams with a comprehensive understanding of Gen AI best practices relevant to software development, product management, data science, and marketing. Integrating Gen AI into daily operations allows organisations to automate routine tasks, accelerate decision-making processes, and allocate more time to strategic initiatives, driving business growth and fostering innovation.



We offer comprehensive support for your AI strategy from ideation to implementation, ensuring meticulous planning and precision execution at every step. By integrating generative AI into your business with Regenesys, you can boost efficiency and unlock new growth and innovation opportunities.

Why Partner with Us?


Scalable Solutions: Customised to meet growing demands, expand operations, and serve more customers effortlessly


100% hands-on-training for organisations to learn how to automate​ tasks​


Best Case studies from different industries, including the Big Four.


Continuous hand-holding & feedback during Action​


Capstone Projects​ , including hands-on training with real-world solutions

Our Approach


Introduce core concepts and fundamental principles of Generative AI, ensuring a strong theoretical base.


Engage participants with interactive sessions, hands-on projects, and real-world case studies to deepen understanding.



Implement learned skills in practical scenarios, fostering problem-solving and innovation within the workplace.



Assess progress through continuous feedback, performance reviews, and practical assessments.



Reinforce knowledge with follow-up sessions, advanced modules, and support to ensure long-term retention and application.



Introduce core concepts and fundamental principles of Generative AI, ensuring a strong theoretical base.


Engage participants with interactive sessions, hands-on projects, and real-world case studies to deepen understanding.


Implement learned skills in practical scenarios, fostering problem-solving and innovation within the workplace.


Assess progress through continuous feedback, performance reviews, and practical assessments.


Reinforce knowledge with follow-up sessions, advanced modules, and support to ensure long-term retention and application.



Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about Generative AI & its impact on employees & employers

What is the Gen AI Academy?
It is a comprehensive programme designed to equip teams with cutting-edge AI skills and knowledge through practical, hands-on learning.
Who can benefit from the Gen AI Academy?
Business leaders, executives, and functional teams can benefit from the programme.
Can the programme be tailored to specific organisational needs?
Yes, the Gen AI Academy offers tailored solutions for different functions and organisational needs.
How does the programme ensure practical learning?
Through hands-on practice sessions and real-world experience in AI technologies and applications.

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Regenesys: Corporate Education

Upskill Your Team with Us

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